General Info - 10th Meeting on Molecular Simulations

The Selection Committee has decided to award  The Prize of The 10th Meeting on Molecular Simulations to:

Professor Héctor Domínguez Castro,
from the Instituto de Investigación en Materiales, UNAM.

Poster session:

Authors are welcome to submit abstracts for poster presentation:

  • The submission is online and it will be open until September 30th.
  • The oficial language is english.

Abstract Format:

Please, click here to download the abstract format.

As in the previous edition, three awards of 250.00 USD will be given to the three best posters. These awards are a courtesy by THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION.

We suggest to publish in this journal (

Registration fees:

  • With scholarship: $1,650.00 MXN *
  • Without scholarship: $3,855.00 MXN

(*): We have a limited number of scholarships (around 40) to be given to participants (Master/PhD students and researchers) who present a poster with their research. It will be given one scholarship per poster. The fee for those participantants is $1,650.00. The local organizing committee will advise when scholarships are no longer available. In that case the fee will be $3,855.00.

THERE IS NOT A PRE-REGISTRATION, if you want to obtain the scholarship the following terms apply:

  • Make the payment (1,650.00 MXN) following the specifications stated on this page and attach your bank receipt and the abstract of your poster when filling the registration form (PDF and DOCX formats).
  • You must be a postgraduate student or a researcher
  • Only one scholarship will be given per poster
  • Your registration must be made before september 30th

The organizing committe will notify inmediately when the scholarships are finished.

Payment Methods:

The fee has to be paid before registration in this web page. The receipt (as a PDF file) is necessary to complete the process.

The payment in all the cases has to be done directly to the Hotel Villa del Conquistador bank account:

Bank: Banamex
Name: ICARMEX, S.A. de C.V.
Account: 7011-54494411
Interbank CLABE: 002 540 701 154 494 413

The contact at the hotel is:
Gabriela Román
Gerente de ventas
Tel. 777 313 1166 y 88 ext. 168
Tel. 01 800 014 1414

Come and join us on FaceBook.