The web-page is updated every day, please check it frequently.
The poster of the meeting is available in downloads, please help us to promote the meeting.

News: November 28, 2013

-List of accepted participants is in the Downloads section.
-The final program is in the Program section

News: December 02, 2013

-The Lammps program and its exercises are in the Download section
Please install the program in your computer and develop the exercises.
-Download and install Molden
-Download and install JMOL

A wide range of complex problems in chemistry, physics, biology and engineering can be studied and understood at the molecular level thanks to the explosive growth of powerful supercomputers and simulation methods. The knowledge of thermodynamics, dynamics and structural properties of systems at molecular level allows the design of better strategies to solve problems in those fields.

The aim of this meeting is to promote the field of molecular simulations among the Mexican community and to learn about its state-of-the-art methods and their applications. The metting is an oportunity to exchange results with researchers from other countries. This year the speakers come from Mexico, USA, Germany and England. The conferences will cover subjects from simple fluids to chemical reactions. Introductory courses on reactive molecular dynamics and QM/MM methods will be given the first day of the meeting. A Poster session is also programmed.

Applications go from efficient sampling methods, parallel molecular dynamics, hydrocarbons, liquid crystals, colloids, surfactants, water in different environments and proteins in solution. Participants to the meeting include undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers from different universities.